Simple Joys Of Agriculture
In my blogs, I talk a lot about how much I love agriculture. While to some people this makes total sense, to others it might be harder to understand. That is understandable! Each industry tends to have it's own set of history, traditions etc. Agriculture is one that I find especially rich with it's history, tradition and culture. These things are a part of what binds those of us so tightly to the lifestyle. Sometimes so much that you might hear a comment every now and again of one saying "It's in our blood". What we mean is that it makes up a very large part of who we are and our identity. It is a beloved way of life that molds how we see the world and ourselves. It is not easily changed by circumstance, but stays with us on some level regardless of where we go in life. The next couple things, are pieces of the agriculture industry that I have especially enjoyed this last month which I termed the simple joys of agriculture. They are things that come with the life, not things you can buy or just make up yourself. It's centered around the people, who we are and what we do.

The agriculture community is a bustling and thriving network of hard working men and women who love their life. A lot of these individuals work incredibly hard to stay in agriculture. It is a passion and a constant pursuit. Being able to so closely relate to one another while learning from each other is an amazing experience. Agriculture is one of the few communities where an individual who is a total stranger will offer help to another total stranger, because they understand that it isn't realistic to do everything by ourselves. The bond of being in this same industry is very tight and very brotherly. One really good example of community in ag is branding season, where often, groups come together to help one another with a very large project that requires some extra hands. It is almost always a fun time, that leaves you with great stories and greater memories.

The agriculture lifestyle is made up of incredibly rich culture and traditions. Events like coming together for a branding, shearing sheep, livestock showing and much more are some small examples of culture. How someone chooses to operate their outfit or ranch is made up of traditions handed down, passed along, or learned. There is a theme of hard work, long days, and low pay at times. Equally, there is a feeling of accomplishment, intrinsic reward and overall satisfaction with oneself. Agriculture is also one of the only industries that comes to my mind when I think of America's need for a people with sheer grit. Problem solving is constant, leadership is essential. Tough becomes a whole new concept that has to be embraced physically, mentally and emotionally. Resilience keeps those in agriculture going long term. Another way this shows up in western themes is through specific arts such as painting, music, trades and more. C.M. Russel for instance is a fantastic example of western history as shown through art. Musicians such as Red Steagall and Ian Tyson are examples of the western lifestyle being portrayed through music. The trades of leathermaking, silversmithing, weaving, and rawhiding are all things that have been passed down from generation to generation. They make up pieces of this historically colorful industry. If you are interested in any of these things I would highly encourage you to look them up and learn something new!

This one is usually enjoyed by introverts and extroverts alike on some level. The quiet solitude that is experienced when working by yourself is unparalleled. Nature is often calming, relaxing and peaceful. I personally enjoy spending time outside alone, it gives me a refreshing feeling. While not everyone enjoys quietness or solitude I think it challenges us to sit with our own thoughts which is good. Balancing working by yourself and with others is important. Personal projects can give such great senses of accomplishment, while group projects often give a great sense of progress. The solitude that can come in the ag industry, depending on what part your working in, is what can sometimes weed those out of more introverted jobs towards more extroverted agriculture jobs. This isn't to say that one is better than the other. Both roles are incredibly important. From my personal standpoint, I am in the exact right spot in a more solitude environment. That is something I credit to God, because I tried pursuing other things.
In conclusion, I only covered a few things that I have been reflecting on recently, but there are so many more. From learning to value life and death, to managing a full fledged business, there are a host of topics that come up in agriculture. There are always jobs open in the industry, and there is always a welcome place somewhere for someone just getting started!